
Showing posts from April, 2022

Week 4: Medicine + Technology + Art

 Week 4: Medicine + Technology + Art      This week lecture has been one of the most surprising to me  because I would have never though about making the connection between medicine and art. Medicine only made me think about science and math but after the previous lectures about the connection of math and science to art it made me see where this connection could be made. In Professor's Vesna's lecture, it made me think of the show Grey's Anatomy. The entertainment field is a form of art but according to Ellen Pompeo there was not much hope for a medical serious on TV as they released the first season; now this show has been airing for 18 seasons.  Grey's Anatomy captured the COVID-19 pandemic in its 17th season,     It has never occurred to me to think of X-rays and MRI's as a form of art because I only associated it to medicine. However, according to Casini's article, it allowed me to see how MRI's are ab

Event 1

     This week I attended Patricia Cadavid's presentation on the work that she does as an immigrant, artist, and researcher. I gravitated towards her presentation because as I was raised by immigrant parents, I would notice their perspective differed from the way I lived. Hence, through Cadavid's perspective, she was able to express the effects of colonialism through her artwork.     Her work is focused on the ancestral past of the Andes of South America through a "decolonial perspective." Two of the pieces she presented were the Khipu and the Yupana Balzarotti. Through the two pieces, she was able to restore the memories and the works of the Incas and  previous Andean societies that were present in South America.   A Khipu that the Incas and Andean societies used,     The Khipu was an important tool to the Incas and  Andean societies in South America as it was a transmission de

Week 3: Robotics and Art

      This week's lectures on Robotics and Art made me rethink how I saw modern technology as a form of artwork. Beforehand, I would usually only see the connection of modern technology and robots to math and science. Through Walter Benjamin, he emphasizes how the industrial reproduction of art will affect the aura; hence art will no longer be authentic as it once was. However, Douglas takes a different approach to Benjamin's thesis and argues that "aura" will still continue to exist depending how the people view the artwork. I agree with Douglas because modern technology will continue to improve will will develop new forms of art.      Prof. Vesna discussed more into detail how this has became common in one of the most popular films. While learning about the connection between robots and art, I thought about the film I, Robot . In this film, there was a development of human-like robots who could perform tasks however, their emotions were not the same as humans. This

Week 2: Math + Art

 Week 2: Math + Art      I have taken art classes since a very young age but I did not grasp to the creativity side of art but more towards the math aspect. In order to draw, art teachers would express how it's all about lines and shapes which did help me out to create the drawings. However, through the readings and lectures I was intrigued how not only math but science also has a correlation to art.      Flatland by Edwin A. Abott was very descriptive and allowed me to envision how geometry is connected to art as he describes how all these shapes are always present. It is also written from a perspective of a shape which made me intrigued even more because I was now seeing the world as geometric shapes. Through the use of  geometry, he is able to discuss two different societies which is easier for a reader to imagine in their heads while reading it.  Emily Lynch Victory connects her passion with math to her artwork      Henderson's explanation of the fourth dimension was able t

Week One: Two Cultures

 Week 1: Two Cultures          I am currently a freshman at UCLA but I am also a commuter that resides in South Central Los Angeles. Hence, I tend to park usually at a structure that is closest to my classes such as fall quarter was mainly at North Campus and this spring quarter is at South Campus. The concept of the division between North and South campus correlates to CP Snow's theory of two cultures being a huge cultural division amongst humans; this division is the scientists and then the literacy intellectuals. This is showcased through UCLA's campus as Northern campus is known for the arts and social sciences majors while South Campus is known for its STEM majors. I am a Political Science major so I my classes are mostly located at North Campus.  A video of UCLA students describing similarities and differences between both sides of UCLA's campus Victoria Vesna emphasizes that the arts take an important role in order to develop this bridge which is the third culture. T